Sunday, July 18, 2010

GT Pond advntr

After a long dry spell, made my way to the famous GT pond in Neo Tiew thanks to bro Jason's invitation. Although I caught nothing that day, mainly due to general noob-ness and improper equipment, it was an eye opener and something I'd like to try again soon.

GTs, or Giant Trevallys, are a species of marine fish in the jack family which includes queenfish (more on queenfish another time). A popular gamefish, people pay big bling to fish these monsters in the Indo Pacific seas. Having neither top dollar or top time, a trip to the GT pond is a quick fix for when you find yourself writhing on the floor and foaming at the lips from withdrawal symptoms due to fishing deprivation.

For those of you who dont know, Neo Tiew is a place in Singapore, which if you imagine Raffles Place to be the soft gooey centre of Singapore, Neo Tiew would be the crunchy colorful candy coated shell. I.e. it is a a long way away from the soft gooey centre of Singapore.

Just look at how crunchy this place looks!

Again, many thanks to bro Jason who was really friendly and even offered me his fish to fight. Which of course I did not know how to and promptly lost the bugger when it wrapped itself around the stilts. On the bright side, this was the first time I ever had my hands on a Shimano Stella 4000 and boy was it SCHWEEEET. I conclude they are all pros because they all had Shimano jackets and well organised tackle cases. There is much you can tell about an angler from their tackle case.

Leave you with pictures of the pros and the fish they caught.

Jason, who very friendly-ly offered to let me take a photo with the fish, but there's just something about taking a photo with another man's fish that isn't right.

Can you spot the giant grouper which was being reared in this net?

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